The Therapeutic Relationship

In the last OT 425 session we talked about the therapeutic relationship. A therapeutic relationship is the relationship the therapist forms with their client. This includes building a positive rapport, gaining trust, sharing knowledge and decision making and even expressing not only sympathy but most importantly empathy.

To me, building a good therapeutic relationship should be top on someones list of priorities when thinking about the kind of therapist they want to be. If you don't build a positive, trusting, encouraging and shared decision making relationship in the therapeutic session, you more than likely won't see the positive results rather than if you did.

Im a believer in myself and in others. I like to put others needs before my own to look out for their best interest. I'm positive, encouraging, empathetic and eventually will be a well rounded and knowledgeable practitioner. I think this will not only make me the best occupational therapist I can be, but also ensure that I build a great therapeutic relationship with every single client I will have the privilege to treat.


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