A Glyph on Leadership

One thing I had to do as a new occupational therapy student was draw myself based on the instructions shown below to represent myself as a leader. Today I got to do the exact same thing as an occupational therapy student who is almost finished with the didactic portion of my studies!

These are always so interesting to me, it is a way to express who you are through art and expression. My leadership style has definitely changed since starting school. I believe that many of the principals shown below are still true to who I was, but I also have learned to be a better leader. As class president, I have learned to be more open minded to others opinions and ideas, a better communicator, someone who truly embodies servant leadership, and much more! Being a leader can be stressful. You want everyone to like you, you don't want to make mistakes, you wan't to benefit everyone in a positive way. At least that was my case. But, I have learned that everything always won't go perfect, you won't always be liked, and you won't always make a decision that everyone is going to like. However, I have learned to make decisions and lead for the greater good. I now know how to really listen to everyone's needs, be a helping hand, and encourage others to be leaders too. I used to be the only one who wanted to lead, but now I want others around me to lead too. I want us all to work as a team. Leading is not about instructing, rather guiding. As a leader I'm not on top, I'm just simply at the front of the line on the same level.

I can't wait to continue my career as a future leader and occupational therapist! Who knows, one day I might just be a director of rehab, a supervisor, manager, etc. Whatever it may be, my motives are to benefit my future clients, co-workers, healthcare professionals, business, and even my own occupational therapy career.


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